Core Aeration Service In Charlotte, NC & Surrounding Communities Including Concord, Huntersville, Mooresville, Matthews, & More.

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Core Aeration Service in & Around Charlotte, Concord & Huntersville, NC

Your lawn will be aerated with our core aerator machine to loosen up compacted soil.

If your soil is compacted, nutrients and other resources can have difficulty reaching the roots of your grass, which can lead to slow growth and a less-than-ideal grass color. Fortunately, we can help address soil compaction with our core aeration service, which we offer to homes and businesses, as well as HOAs, in Charlotte, Concord, Huntersville, NC, and neighboring areas, including nearby cities in South Carolina.

When you sign up for this service, our team will aerate your lawn with our aerator machine once to pull up plugs of soil to loosen up compacted soil. We offer this service in the fall from September to October for cool-season lawns and in the spring for warm-season lawns. It's also best to pair it with our overseeding service so we can spread grass seeds on your existing turf for a lusher and thicker lawn.

What does our core aeration process look like?

Aeration plugs on a lawn in Charlotte, NC.

When you sign up for our core aeration service, our team will use our aerator machine to pull plugs of soil from your turf and address soil compaction. Our aerator machine will remove soil plugs from your turf to break up densely compacted soil. By breaking up compacted soil and creating holes in the ground, nutrients, water, air, and sunlight can easily pass through and reach the roots of your grass where they are most needed for improving your lawn's health.

When can you schedule our core aeration service?

Aeration is a rather invasive process that could put a strain on your lawn, so it's best done when your grass is at its strongest! You can schedule our core aeration service from September to October if your lawn is comprised of cool-season grass. That's because cool-season grass is at its strongest during this time and will be able to ensure this invasive process. We aerate warm-season lawns in the spring because they are at their strongest during this time

Schedule our core aeration service once a year to ensure your soil never gets too compacted!

Pair your core aeration service with overseeding for a healthy, dense lawn!

We recommend that you pair our core aeration and overseeding services to create a healthy, dense, and vibrant lawn for your property. When you sign up for our overseeding service, we will spread a blend of fescue grass seeds across your turf in the fall to create a resilient lawn that can tolerate stressful conditions very well! By overseeding your turf after aeration, the grass seeds can fall into the aeration holes and will have optimal seed-to-soil contact for successful germination. We'll also administer a winterizer fertilizer treatment after we've spread the seeds to give them a boost and help them establish their roots in the soil!

Call our team today to sign up for our core aeration service!

Our team at Pine Valley Turf Management offers our professional core aeration service to homeowners and business owners, as well as HOAs, in Charlotte, Concord, Huntersville, and nearby communities in North Carolina and South Carolina. Since 2005, we've helped property owners alleviate compacted soil through our core aeration service to make it easier for nutrients and resources to reach the roots of the grass so that it can access everything it needs to thrive! Give us a call today at (704) 831-8917 to sign up for our core aeration service.

Get your quote today! Call (704) 831-8917