Wherever you can find warm weather, unfortunately, exterior pests come along with it. Everyone enjoys the sunshine, even mosquitoes, and grubs, which is why they show up around this time. Exterior pests like these thrive during the warmer weather, but sadly, this also means that they invade the outdoor space around your home. 

Mosquitoes, grub, ticks, and more can carry disease and pass it along to your children, family, guests, and even your pets. Following some essential but straightforward exterior pest control methods can genuinely improve your experience during the warmest, most eventful months of the year.

Closing Outdoor Gaps

An important thing to establish regarding in-home pest control is whether or not exterior pests can get into your home and make the problem worse. You should be able to walk around the exterior of your home and determine the spaces where there are gaps or cracks and try to fill them.

One method of filling is to re-caulk your home. It may seem like a large feat to take on, but it’s not necessarily the entire home you need to undertake. After identifying gaps and cracks, you can target those areas to use caulk to move on to your next area of interest.

Another way you can do this is to fill the gaps that cannot be fixed with caulk with another material that may keep out exterior pests. During home pest control, it’s important to get creative. Trying out some mesh material to fill those holes can work some miracles.

Keeping Pests Away from Your Guests

Whether you are hosting an event at home or you own a space where people gather, it’s important to keep your friends and family safe from pests who want to feast on our flesh, specifically mosquitoes – in all their forms.

Something that doesn’t necessarily perform mosquito extermination but has been said to drastically reduce the invasion of mosquitoes around your garden and outdoor space are lemon and eucalyptus essential oils. These oils can aid in keeping the pesky bugs away from you and your guests without true extermination.

Another method that can help with mosquito extermination in a way is fire. Whether you have a fire pit to host bonfires or torches surrounding your outdoor space, fire is a full-proof way almost entirely to keep the mosquitoes away from your skin.

 Mosquitoes can be truly harmful. They carry disease and create rashes that humans don’t yet have vaccines for. It’s important to think about these things when hosting an outdoor event in the spring or summer. Whether it’s a big gathering or a small family affair, your attendees will greatly appreciate your effort.

What Happens When You Run Out of Options?

Calling a professional from Pine Valley Turf could be the best thing you do for your home or business this season. 

Reaching out for professional pest control can take weight off your shoulders, and stress off your mind. You have options! Request a free quote, schedule a consult, or call us at (704) 831-8917 for an appointment! You can also look us up on Facebook for more information.